搜索 Eigenmann

  • 在交友軟體盛行的都市生活中,一處公寓的監視錄像,正記錄著房客們各自不可告人的小秘密。有人擔心另一半外遇卻言行不一,有人背著另一半偷腥卻有苦難言;有人中了花言巧語而渾然不知,有人習慣為非作歹而心存僥倖。關係錯綜複雜的現代公寓,醜聞即將引爆他們的生活。
  • Two girls and a boy of barely legal age are caught having sex on tape.Who are they? Why did they do it? Where are they now?The film draws answers from the urban legends that grew around the controversial sex videos and the result is a humurous narrative with elements of mock documentary.Leo (Ryan Eigenmann) is a 21-yea…
  • How come people who go there are never seen again? Does the villa "eat" people alive? The movie tells the story of Ana who has always been having nightmares about certain people getting killed3e of Madre Na Aswang. Things become scarier when her ex-boyfriend brings her to Villa Estrella where she meets a girl…
  • 阿玛娅
    Amaya讲述的故事发生在西班牙统治菲律宾之前,Rajah Mangubat统治着整个米沙鄢岛。Rajah有着特殊战斗技能和魔法护身符,一直被认为是不可战胜的。一天,村里的一名女祭司预言,Rajah有一天会被一个有着孪生蛇的女人杀死。Rajah对此非常紧张,不单因为他终将被杀死,更因为自己的继任者将会是这样一个女人。他下令杀死本村和其他村落里的怀孕妇女…