- LOVE AND LEMONS is a romantic comedy about love, friendship and the courage it takes to follow your dreams. The movie is based on the successful novel with the same title by author Kajsa Ingemarsson. Agnes is a chef and she loves cooking. She has a good job, a boyfriend who loves her and a best friend who is always the…
- A group of people arrives by boat to attend a party on a small island. They experience great difficulties while trying to go ashore. All the alcohol for the party is on the boat while the people on the island have all the food, and the only neighbor on the island, Garbo, is not as friendly as one would wish.
- 一个留着长辫子,头上插着印度风格的羽毛,脖子上绑着炸弹的男人抢劫了银行。但沃兰德相信主谋另有其人。若破此案,要求必先对占星学有所了解。琳达和沃兰德自己都想象不到他们还有这项天赋。
- Rödhyttan 的山谷别墅四周开满了五颜六色香气四溢的玫瑰花。别墅主人加布里埃拉和克里斯将在这里举办订婚仪式,作为好友的帕克和爱勒当然应邀前来。可是喜悦与幸福的气氛因为加布里埃拉祖父被发现中毒陈尸在床上而瞬间凝固。为什么祖父被杀时克里斯在现场?加布里埃拉是否参与了谋杀?一切都是巧合吗?