- Set in a magical castle where a reluctant and spoiled Lisa has come to celebrate Christmas with her parents, her curiosity and persistence lead her to a strange Medieval Kingdom, inhabited by strange characters, ghostly flying weapons and magical toys that come alive! As Christmas approaches, Lisa and her new friends m…
- 根据尤里·蒂尼亚诺夫的同名传记小说改编。土库曼恰合约签订后,俄国派剧作家格里鲍耶陀夫前往波斯,敦促旅行条约。但由于条约内容过于苛刻,激起波斯人民反抗。最终,武装暴民冲进了俄国使馆,格里鲍耶陀夫命悬一线……