搜索 Eliseo

  •   丛林、恶魔和一个神秘的年轻女子:墨西哥导演尤勒妮·奥莱索拉的新片深入玛雅人的神话世界。1920年,墨西哥和伯利兹之间的绿色无人区。一群墨西哥人正在原始森林的树上敲打着木皮,这是玛雅人用来当口香糖的粘稠物质。突然,男人发现一个昏迷的年轻女子,并把她带到他们的营地。这个神秘的陌生人的出现引起了男人们的紧张,并激发了他们的想…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 剧情片魔幻
    苏比埃拉可以算得上是阿根廷电影界的得奖专业户了吧, 自81年《天堂的征服》以来, 他的每一部影片都几乎为他赢得了近20项大大小小的国际奖项, 并为他获得了众多国际声誉, 其在阿根廷电影界的地位估计能赶得上库斯图里卡在南斯拉夫电影的地位了, 而两人的电影风格却也都带有强烈的魔幻现实主义色彩. 在七八部已经D出过DVD的苏比埃拉作品中, 我最…
  • Ana believes in absolute love. Lucia doesn't. Ana and Lucia go to an art exhibition. There they find a painting in which a man floats in the air while kissing a woman. Lucia doesn't like the painting. Ana does.
  • 梅贝尔(索菲亚·哥拉 Sofía Gala 饰)的生活在一次意外中发生了巨大的改变,她不得不成为妓女。然而,她的父亲的一次偶然发现却成为了她新生活的起点。父亲捡到一个小丑鼻子,这让梅贝尔发现了自己表演的天分,并开始为孩子们表演。在另一个城市,马丁(吉列尔莫·普宁 Guillermo Pfening 饰)与妻子离婚,离开了原来的律师事务所,购买了一辆…
  • 一群分别多年后的老友筹划着重聚,恍然20多载,韶华不再,政权更迭,物是人非,重逢的刹那,惊见当年明眸皓齿今何在,风流倜傥憾无存,唯有彼时60年代的摇滚乐回响起来,叫人徒然感叹。三位主人公,当年铁党,Anna家人不同意下嫁于当年诗人身份、志在四方、萍踪浪迹的Ernesto,投身职业安定、以爱妻为己任的Ricardo,但Anna心中一直怀念着E…
  • Pablo (Arturo Puig) receives the news that his father, who abandoned him and his family a long time ago and was thought dead, wants to see him so he can pass all his fortune to him. Pablo goes to see his father in Brazil, expecting to inherit a large sum of money, but instead, he receives from his father a treasure map…
  • A film about a telephone romance between two people who are under the impression that they are strangers, but who in acutality are acquaintances. The film shows that a relationship can be more profound and intimate when there is a physical distance involved.In Buenos Aires, a poor student keeps himself in college by wo…
  • A surrealistic adventure through dreamscape and life. Finally, tempered surrealism hits the screen. Unlike early works from the 30s, this film delivers a moderated flow of strangeness which is used to accentuate the director's vision. While at times some events and characters may seem gratuitously inserted, almost with…