搜索 Eneko

  • 剧情片悬疑
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 科幻片
  • 动画片
    Karin, 11 years old, is abandoned by her father at her grandfather's house, who is the monk of a small town in the Japanese countryside. Her grandfather asks Anzu, his jovial and helpful but rather capricious ghost cat, to look after her. When their strong characters meet it causes sparks to fly, at least to begin with…
  • The story of how an unlikely childhood friendship develops into complex adult relationships in a convoluted social context.
  • 蘿拉在母親離世後,與感情深厚的繼父佛雷多繼續住在一起。一通來自家鄉舅舅的電話卻打亂了平靜生活,他聲稱老家的警方意外尋獲了她生父的遺體,但在蘿拉的記憶中,自己父親早就拋妻棄女遠走高飛,怎麼會無端出現在故鄉?這宗橫跨二十年的謎團背後,等待著她的卻是意想不到的衝擊真相。
  • Miguel de Uamuno, a Spanish writer and philosopher, is forced into exile in Fuerteventura (in the Canary Islands) by dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera in 1924. There he will make friends with some locals, on whom he will exercise decisive influence. Years later, when the Spanish civil war began in 1936, he will be forced…
  • 一面神秘的镜子在一个教堂孤儿院被发现,但很少人意识到这面镜子蕴藏的邪恶能量,当一个无辜的青年发现他的继姐妹受困于这面邪恶的镜子,同时镜子的邪恶能量再次被释放,血液是镜子能量再次释放的原因,一场善与恶的战斗开始了......
  • 男主人公佩洛是银行高管,因涉嫌挪用公款被逮捕。但其实他的老板才是这次挪用公款的幕后黑手,佩洛从法院趁机逃出,开始了他的逃亡生涯。没有钱、没有可以信任的家人和朋友,他需要一个全新的身份去生活。一次偶然的机会,佩洛和一群流浪汉生活在了一起,佩洛之后得知这群流浪汉因自己之前工作的银行而丧失了他们的家园,而他们正在和这家银行做…
  • 化け猫あんずちゃん
    Karin, 11 years old, is abandoned by her father at her grandfather's house, who is the monk of a small town in the Japanese countryside. Her grandfather asks Anzu, his jovial and helpful but rather capricious ghost cat, to look after her. When their strong characters meet it causes sparks to fly, at least to begin with…