搜索 Enes

  • 动作片
      1864 After a huge battle and the brutal shelling of the population of Atlanta, Federal troops ("Yanks") take control of the city. Their plan is to use all of the goods remaining in the warehouse district of Atlanta to outfit th…
  • Tigres & Hyènes
  • 国产剧
  • 剧情片悬疑
  • 敘述三名矮人意外受困在崩塌的礦坑內,孤立無援的他們只能等待救兵的到來。然而,時間一分一秒地流逝,他們攜帶的糧食也逐漸用盡,顫慄詭異的聲響迴盪在耳邊,這黑暗無明的礦坑內除了他們三個外,還有其他生物正虎視眈眈。@https://www.zhuijukan.com/dongzuo/kuangshanjulong/   In this steampunk, fantasy adv…
  • James returns to his native Latin America after 30 years, with just one thing in mind-taking an organ from a human victim and smuggling it back to the United States. On this trip, relives memories of his own violent past, which makes him think twice about redeeming his future.
  • It's a music documentary that tells the story of Roy Gurvitz, who created Lost Vagueness, at Glastonbury and who, as legendary founder, Michael Eavis says, reinvigorated the festival. With the decadence of 1920's Berlin, but all in a muddy field. A film of the dark, self-destructive side of creativity and the personal …
  • 爱情片悬疑
  • Look At Me is about a man who wants to get people's attention but he is constantly being ignored.