- Even today there is still a certain resistance to recognizing the aesthetic revolution caused by Virus in the early eighties. The audacity of Federico Moura at the head of the La Plata's band exceeded the limits of rock and is still a source of art-pop knowledge. Pagan images explores that tension and rejection in time…
- 《北斗神拳》前传作品,主角霞拳志郎原本是东京的一所大学的讲师,他刻意把自己的能力隐藏起来,平时活像一个普通人。但后来青帮的朋友李永健到东京找他,并说他的朋友潘光琳及其妹潘玉玲有麻烦之后,拳志郎便只身启程到上海去救他们。
- 完全オリジナルのショートムービー第1弾が公開!バハジェネとバハソウルの間を紡ぐ10分間のショートムービー。ファバロとカイザルが故郷ドルマに戻った先で再会した人物とは―――第2弾も近日公開予定!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHDoU6AXQRw&app=desktop
- Love in idleness it is film exploring the fleeting delusional love relationship between Titania and Bottom.