搜索 Engvoll

  •   Pottan is going to a riding camp, but ends up at a recycling center where she is taken care of by the strange staff. One day Pottan finds out that the staff are building a space rocket.
  • 帕克的大学导师邀请她和一众好友一起到他在岛上的别墅消暑度假,其中也包括爱勒·比尔。帕克和爱勒的秘密恋情还没有公开。夏日的夜,风情十足,诱惑难挡,宾客中弥漫着暧昧与欲望。和爱勒在外面浪漫狂欢时,帕克发现其中一个客人被杀了。爱勒联系了他的朋友克里斯,但克里斯还未到,尸体就消失不见了。岛上唯一的小船失踪,让所有人失去了与外界…
  • Nobody Owns Me is a story about Lisa growing up with her single father, he works as a hardener in a small Swedish industrial town - a working class hero, her father slowly breaks down by the ruthless time clock. The fight of social change is confronted by the fear of standing out. Humor becomes a life strategy for a sm…