搜索 Eraldo

  • <p>  艾莉·爱罗维(茱迪·福斯特饰)自幼就对无线电通讯情有独钟。长大后,她成为一名天文学家,其项目内容为接收外太空信号。她希望能借此找到宇宙其他文明的存在。天才的理想得到的却是投资者的冷眼相看,幸好有神秘人帮助艾莉继续工作。<br/>  一次偶然的机会,艾莉收到了来自织女星的频率信号,似乎证明了艾莉一直以来的工…
  • 喜剧片生活
  • <p>  在浩瀚的宇宙深处,驻扎在某小行星的地球联邦军队凯西堡垒遭到宿敌虫子大军的攻击。强袭舰雅丽莎号的彪勇战将奉命救援,在这个沦陷的基地内,却发生令人费解的一幕。超能力战略官员卡尔·詹金斯博士将卡门所负责的战列舰约翰·A·沃顿号的指挥权夺走,不知下落。战争的最后,雅丽莎号的战士们救出幸存者,小星星也在爆炸中灰飞烟灭…
  • 动作片
  • A psychopathic rapist is contained by two young farmers, one of whom is involved with the police and, while he protects a threatened young girl, finds the 'redemption'.
  • A young dancer trying to make it in London during World War II discovers that people like her singing voice, too. Although she's at first reluctant to sing, she finally does and becomes a star. She hooks up with a young musician who composes classical music and turns his nose up at this vulgar "popular" music…
  • Batman and Robin struggling to survive in a apocalyptic third world.
  • In a small country town, the killing of a peasant stirs the opposition between the workers at the local market and the mayor.
  • Historian wants to find Aleijadinho's daughter-in-law, who was still alive. In flashback, the life of this extraordinary Brazilian artist is told, from his birth until his death, in 1814