搜索 Eraldo

  • In the 20's, in the State of Piauí, Brazil, a young cowboy is used politically after killing his wife, who had been seduced by her boss and his son
  • 1978 戛纳一种关注In the beginning of the 20th Century, in the Northeast of Brazil, one of the first Brazilian industrialists is persecuted because he refuses to sell his business to a British company.
  • Kristina (Cristine Reyes), a beautiful young lady who sells fresh fruits at her province, only wants a simple life. And her father, Ronaldo (Joel Torre), manages a large hectre of Mango farm. Every weekend, Her ambitious father wants Kristina to go to the nearest beach resort and to try to sell fresh fruits. He hopes t…
  • 公主范塔戈萝(亚历桑德拉·马提尼斯 Alessandra Martines 饰)倔强而美丽,相较于她的两个姐姐,范塔戈萝显得无所畏惧又坚强好胜。她跟随白衣女巫(安吉拉·摩琳娜 Ángela Molina 饰)学习剑术,希望像男人一样战斗,可以有朝一日保卫国家,为人民带来和平。然而她的父王(马里奥·阿多夫 Mario Adorf 饰)却一直希望能由一个王子来继承…
  • Two friends at a coconut farm are visited by a stranger who wants to spend the night.
  • During the slavery period in Brazil, a sugar cane farm was the stage for the darkest kinds of horrors. Years later, the place's cruel past is still stained in its walls, even if unnoticed, until a series of strange events starts happening and death returns to the farm. The film is divided in five short horror stories.
  • 玛尔塔假装是一个失明的女孩,她和一个富有的葡萄酒生产商成为了朋友,后者要求她在他家里待几天。当然,她趁机开始计划复仇。事实上,玛尔塔打算为家人报仇,因为她的父亲是葡萄酒生产商的商业伙伴,死于商业负债,玛尔塔和她的母亲也因此陷入赤贫。
  • 在浩瀚的宇宙深处,驻扎在某小行星的地球联邦军队凯西堡垒遭到宿敌虫子大军的攻击。强袭舰雅丽莎号的彪勇战将奉命救援,在这个沦陷的基地内,却发生令人费解的一幕。超能力战略官员卡尔·詹金斯博士将卡门所负责的战列舰约翰·A·沃顿号的指挥权夺走,不知下落。战争的最后,雅丽莎号的战士们救出幸存者,小星星也在爆炸中灰飞烟灭。为了查清消…
  • Before his compulsory retirement, on his last day of work, Marshall, JFK airport's chief Immigration officer, detains a group of Latin Americans and expose them to a series of humiliating situations. Blinded by prejudice, Marshall ends up causing the death of a young Brazilian. After a period in prison, Marshall goes t…