搜索 Erkan

  • 恐怖片
    Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their insatiable thirst for warm, bright-red blood compels the orphaned predators to roam the ill-lit streets of Paris in sea…
  • Plot ( Stolen from imdb):The sailors who were duped by woman sellers, want to steal their capitals to retaliate from them. There are four men and one woman in a ruined boat. Four lazy and dissatisfaction sailors. The woman represent lust, delectation and appalling potential enemy. The men know each other but woman is u…
  • It does a reasonably good job of situating the drama in 5th century Roman Africa, even though the external sets are obviously contemporary (to Rossellini) Roman remains. The interiors are well done and convincing. The drama is dramatic when it needs to be, though there are some lengthy theological discussions, and one …
  • 老馬死在路旁,大人們忙於清理屍體,發現牠的七歲男孩看在眼裏,心緒不得不埋藏在焚屍烈焰背後。長大的他殺羊時割傷自己,在醫院開始看見異象,是大自然要給他啟示?抑或,心與物之間,在此世道已不得不失去平衡?羅迦諾最佳新晉導演塔里卡阿塔斯冷靜而不失跳脫的鏡頭追隨人蹤練靶、伐樹、大興土木,在天空的飛鷹眼內,一半愚蠢一半可悲,竟似已…
  • 來自巴勒斯坦的美國籍阿拉伯男子法拉罕,與父母一同住在紐約,年屆三十仍未婚,他的父母一直催婚並安排多次與阿拉伯女子的相親,但他都沒興趣,他的朋友勸他搬離父母家,但他沒錢又剛被公司炒魷魚,他的朋友提議綠卡婚姻,可以讓他小賺一筆,沒想到對像是來自以色列的猶太女孩…
  • IMDB 6000多票 评分8.1希区柯克式的罪案剧,加上黑色幽默和各种黑(黑宗教黑国家甚至中国也躺枪),口碑不错的一部土耳其电影哦!剧情:清真寺里正在做礼拜的人中发生了谋杀案,卷入其中的伊玛目决定调查真相!PS:各种段子和自黑,节奏较快,梗较多,友情提示最好先行了解下一些宗教常识
  • 命爱(土耳其版)
    After his mother left his father for another man, Ömer's perception of women was forever damaged, and he considers them unreliable, untrustworthy and even dangerous. The only woman he has time for is his beloved sister Ayse, for whom he wo…
  • 勇敢与美丽
    Cesur returns to his father's village with an elaborate plan to avenge the death of his father. The only thing he hadn't planned for is Suhan, the daughter of the man he believes is responsible for his father's murder.
  • 这座城市的未来
    Derin and Ali are two people from different worlds. Derin is the daughter of a rich man, on the otherside Ali is a 28 years old boy who saw his mom being killed by his dad when he was young. So rauf anne took him as his son and now after many years he is back to istanbul , where he will meet derin and they start to enj…
  • 粉碎的花朵第一季
    16岁的Eylül(Biran Damla Yılmaz饰)遭到了继父Kemal(Cansu Fırıncı饰)的骚扰,然而身为母亲的Mesude(Derya Artemel)却不相信Eylül,反而将Eylül送到了孤儿院。在孤儿院里Eylül先后结识了Songül( Gökçe Akyıldız饰)、Kader(Çağla Irmak饰)、Meral(Aleyna Solaker饰)以及Cemre(Hazar …