- Guyaseddin passed on the throne when his father, Alaattin Keykubat, was poisoned and killed. But he is not a talented statesman like his father. This situation leads to the increase of Mongol repression. Celaleddin Karatay plans to prepare a great resistance against this oppression of the people. Celaleddin Karatay, wh…
- 艾丽思厌烦平平淡淡的生活,认为没有刺激,没有冒险,乏味,从电影上公路常常会遇到非 常危险的事于是她约上情人约翰尼开始了一段冒险之旅,万万没想到这次冒险,付出的代价,让她一辈子后悔也无济于事……