搜索 Erxi

  • This is an experimental Catalan Spanish production. Because of the film's ostensible science-fiction theme, the filmmakers were able to produce a highly political adventure film; the film's political content was not tampered with by Franco's censors. However, the film had an unusually intense focus on sexual activity (…
  • 中华勤学故事
    央视青少中心动画片部制作完成的52集大型动画系列片《中华勤学故事》,于2004年5月10日在央视一套《动画城》栏目中推出。这是央视为弘扬中华民族传统美德,努力振兴国产动画而推出的一部优秀作品。 之所以在电视节目中发布,是因为它不仅仅是娱乐性的动画片,更重要的是一部极好的科教片,片中带有很多教育意义的解说,适合所有人群观看。《中华…