- A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace". Starring…
- 美國滑板界的邪典箇中翹楚——陶德.法爾康,將自己 34 年的滑板歲月濃縮成一部個人自傳體;毫不顧忌主流目光,不被既定的文化框架束縛,以大量的迷幻式獨白雜揉紀錄片、實境秀、喜劇、恐怖片及音樂錄像的形式,以及近乎著魔的執念去實踐六千招奇異的滑板技巧,與天馬行空的發明家精神。本片真實具現 1980、90 年代美國郊區文化成長下的青少年,…
- When his brother is shot and his niece kidnapped, a former MMA champion turned police detective is forced to go back into the ring for one last fight in order to rescue the girl and appease the criminals who have harmed his family.当他的兄弟被枪杀并且他的侄女被绑架时,一名前MMA冠军转为警察被迫回到赛场进行最后一次战斗,以便拯救女孩并安抚伤害他家人的罪犯。