搜索 Fariba

  • 一对穆斯林夫妇在蒙特利尔经营一家肉铺,并希望成功地融入魁北克社会。但屠夫的父亲在后院建立了一个小清真寺,并用它来传播原教旨主义者的观点。当他由加拿大皇家骑警拘捕怀疑过去的恐怖活动,他的儿子,他的妻子和他的父亲效忠爱之间徘徊。受够了丈夫的懦弱,屠夫的妻子选择了离开......
  • Sophie Fyne, an environmentally friendly fashion designer and advocate for women around the world is about to launch her highly anticipated line of clothing and open her first flagship store when one of her employees is found murdered. As a series of frightening events unfold, Sophie realizes she must act quickly if sh…
  • 如果你喜欢《Golnar》真人与玩偶结合的童话影片的话,这部《老鼠的城市》绝对不可错过,因为它是开创伊朗木偶片新风格的经典之作,我们大多听过捷克木偶片的名气,而对伊朗的木偶片的确是孤陋寡闻。伊朗木偶片流行的时间很短,大概就在80年代中后期到90年代初那几年,后来慢慢衰落,如今已经没有人做木偶戏了。《老鼠城市》是其中最经典的一部,…
  • Rahman Tavana, a 40 year old engineer born to a religious, traditional Iranian family is not married yet. According to an old tradition in Iran the husband's family should choose wife. He goes to Lebanon on a mission and gets to know a girl name Juliet; they get married there and come to Iran. Before coming to Iran Jul…
  • 《穆合塔尔书(Mokhtarnameh)》是一部取材于穆合塔尔•塞盖菲(Mukhtar Thaqafi)生平、由Sima Film(伊朗)出品的电视剧。超过140名演员参演。穆合塔尔•塞盖菲是什叶派穆斯林领袖,他于公元686年在库法城(Kufa)领导了一场为殉难的伊玛目侯赛因(Hussein(AS),穆罕默德的外孙)复仇的起义。主演包括Fariborz Arabnia,Re…
  • Forough is a middle aged woman whose husband has temporarily married with another woman. Even though that was kept secret from her, but his action is considered legal in Iran. Now the husband is in prison, due to not being able to pay second wife’s “Mehrieh” (the bride’s marriage portion). The second wife intends to re…
  • 海外剧惊悚
    The latest instalment is set in Afghanistan, where Spanish agents are on a new mission to meet an infiltrator with information about a possible attack in Europe. The elite unit is in the war-torn country as the U.S. ends its 20-year occupation, leaving Kabul to be taken by the Taliban. As Spanish authorities begin the…