- In the US, there are now six states that offer the terminally ill the option of ending their lives with a prescribed cocktail of drugs.Louis heads to California, one of the latest states to adopt this law, where residents can now take home a lethal overdose as long as they are terminally ill, of sound mind and strong e…
- 小不点演出在即,他是一个优秀的驯狗时,小狗在他的指挥下表演出色。然而时代发生巨变,电影艺术横空出世。人们迷恋光影魔术,不再对小不点的把戏感兴趣。在观众的阵阵嘘声之下,小不点逐渐对自己失去信心。演员亚诺德•希尔先生骄傲蛮横,不可一世,他凭借和小不点驯养的小狗拍摄电影而飞黄腾达,可骨子里却对小狗及其主人极其不屑。为了证明自…