搜索 Filipovic

  • 他在出生当晚被十字军偷走,对自己的血统一无所知:他的母亲是一个恶魔;他的父亲是个吸血鬼。在神秘僧侣兄弟会的训练和利用下,他杀死了教会的所有敌人。一天晚上,命运将他带回了父亲的城堡,带着杀死怪物的莱尔特斯之剑,摧毁了吸血鬼弗拉迪斯拉斯,并夺回了一件圣物:血石。那天晚上发生的事情把拉杜从一个贵族变成了一个没有主人的吸血鬼,…
  • 肯南和米蘭是一對住在塞拉維佛的同志愛人。當九○年代初回教徒屠殺事件發生時,為了肯南的敏感身份,兩人決定向西逃回老家避難,期待未來能有機會到沒有戰亂的西方國家定居。為了掩人耳目,米蘭靈機一動將肯南扮成女人,就這樣一路回到家鄉,米蘭的爸爸更是滿心歡喜地接受了新「媳婦」,以往不能公開的同志戀情,卻因為殘酷的戰爭而陰錯陽差地得…
  • Olja is a high school history teacher, married to a painter whose latest exhibition provoked violent reactions from Serbian nationalists. One night, a group of masked hooligans attacks her. They film the attack and upload the clip to YouTube. The next day Olja discovers that some of her students were responsible. She t…
  • 铁托
    This mini-series, chronicles the life of Josip Broz Tito from his birth to his death.
  • Mirko Crocop,本名Mirko Filipovic(米卢库.菲利浦维科,国内武友亲切称其为“老米”),来自克罗地亚的格斗高手,同时也是克罗地亚特警部队的教官、以及克罗地亚国家议会的议员。在K-1和PRIDE比赛中均有不俗的成绩……
  • This is actually a 'straight-to-TV' film made shortly before the war in B&H begun. It is a common story about Sarajevan thieves who used to travel across Western Europe and rob houses. It was a whole sub-culture in the city, with places where they gathered, socialized, gambled, made business deals etc.In this story we …
  • 纪录片
    From the creators of Hulu’s “Fyre Fraud,” LuLaRich is a true-con docuseries about LuLaRoe, the women’s internet apparel company that went from fast-growing retail phenomenon to alleged viral multi-level marketing scam. The four part serie…
  • 剧情片记录