搜索 Senad

  • 2006. Léo (Cauã Reymond) is a freelance journalist covering events for newspaper outside São Paulo, the city where he lives. He is in serious financial problems worsened due to payment delays. Angela (Luiza Mariani) shares the apartment w…
  • 故事发生在波黑战争之后的萨拉热窝,城市荒凉社会荒唐,毒贩随处可见,枪支管制松散,街上罪犯追警察,连国旗也被换成裤子升起.就在这一个一切都四分五裂的地方,两名腐败的警察决定发一笔乱世横财:绑架富豪的女儿再假装正义的把她救下,以此得到富翁作为报答的丰厚酬金.为不亲自露面他们找到了影片男主角--邋遢,穿着松松垮垮嘻哈衣服,呆头鹅一般的青年…
  • 发生在被占领的贝尔格莱德的故事,一位名叫Labud的年轻学生由于当地的民族冲突被迫流亡,他遇上了一个美丽的女孩,与她堕入爱河,但两人过去的“鬼魂”无端出现,用各种抵死搞笑的方式整蛊他们,似乎誓要令两人分开……
  • 剧情片
    A sleep-deprived woman arrives home to find a stranger in the house adamant he is her son.
  • This is actually a 'straight-to-TV' film made shortly before the war in B&H begun. It is a common story about Sarajevan thieves who used to travel across Western Europe and rob houses. It was a whole sub-culture in the city, with places where they gathered, socialized, gambled, made business deals etc.In this story we …
  • 南斯拉夫中西部地区的波斯尼亚——黑塞哥维那在战乱之际,年轻的母亲塞娜达塞失去了自己两岁的孩子艾达。时间至今已经过去10年,失踪的女孩一直还未找到,但是塞娜达依然没有放弃希望认定她还活着。为了找回女孩,她寻找了任何能够得到的含糊不清的线索。终于她的预感得到了证实。艾达与收养她的父母生活在德国。塞娜达非法越过边境然后找到了收…