- We were so high on this stuff. It was like 'Video! Video! I'm in love.'' From the psychedlic light shows of the 1960's to the heady, early days of experimental video art and New York's nascent Soho Scene to today's techno underground, 'Video Out' explores the world of live video. Underground artists and entertainers fr…
- Norman这个犹太人对巴勒斯坦人的同情,站出来替弱小的巴勒斯坦出头,戳穿犹太组织和以色列的谎言等。 他在美国被犹太势力排挤,被学校变相开除后,他的DePaul University学生和大学同事们组织起的“学术自由”抗议的,他本人还是放弃了自己喜欢的教学,后来到处去演讲的。
- By living a rough day over and over again, a black motorist learns that the cops will find their reasons: "I'm stopping everyone with broad noses. See if you match the description."Writer/Director: Cynthia KaoCast (in order of appearance)t:Eric: Burl MoseleyOfficer 1: Ryan StangerFemale Officer: Celia Finkels…