搜索 Fournier

  • Murdoch and Inspector Brackenreid are aboard the SS Keewatin after the owner, Clarence MacFarlane, receives what he believes is a threat. The Keewatin is about to depart from Toronto on its maiden voyage destined for Rochester, N.Y. and Murdoch thinks they should stay on board, especially after he sees that Julia is on…
  • 喜剧片喜剧
  • Sweeping away stigma - tackling mental health issues through film. Bess Lavigne is a gifted curler who doesn't curl competitively, because of an anxiety disorder she's been afflicted with since childhood, and, who ultimately finds redemption while coaching four down-and-out women struggling with their own issues.
  • Harry Reems, the king of 70's porn stars as a Captain who head a vice division in Canada. All his Vice cops hates his guts so they hire a lady to frame him into retirement.
  • A rich young woman is kidnapped and taken to a school of "discipline."by:www.qujuji.cc
  • 第二次世界大战于1940年冬在欧洲全面展开。卡拉斯家人口众多,有8个孩子,为了生活而苦苦挣扎。全家的温饱都靠女儿弗洛伦丁在廉价饭店当服务员的工资度日。充满幻想的弗洛伦丁对现实不满,时刻梦想着过上有钱人的生活。小伙子让·莱维斯常到弗洛伦丁工作的饭店吃饭,他迷上了弗洛伦丁,使出浑身解数对她展开了追求,最终将弗洛伦丁搞到手。但在…
  • 37岁的男子埃尔维(Hervé P. Gustave 饰)是专门拍摄成人影片的演员,并有一个奇怪的昵称“保险套人”。他渐渐厌倦了这份工作,希望能彻底跳脱这里进入主流电影圈。他对自己的演技自信慢慢,然而事与愿违,转型之路艰辛坎坷,他很难得到主流电影圈的认同。万分苦恼之时,埃尔维邂逅了一个五颜六色、纹身穿钉的另类女演员——LZA(Elsa …
  • 远望著白雪蔼蔼的高山峻岭,苏黎世以充满金碧辉煌的景观享誉全球,是全世界名流贵族的藏金窟,光怪陆离,迷惑诱人。瑞士让人联想到唯美如诗的风景之外,还有入口即化的香醇巧克力,然而一个形象再完美的国家,也有现实上无法避免的社会问题。【名模神采】以饶舌音乐、音乐MV,与伸展舞台上的模特儿及演员的辛酸,讲述两个不同背景的年轻人,在面…