搜索 Frees

  • A variety of fanciful innovations in "future" T.V. sets, including a model with a built-in stove, and a number of highly interactive models. And of course, even with dozens of channels, there's nothing on...or more accurately, there's nothing but the same Western.
  • 先生们女士们,欢迎来到“明日农场”,这里集结了最先进的科学技术,通过科学的方法实现畜牧业的健康发展。传统模式下,母鸡只能通过孵化这一漫长的方式孵出小鸡,现在只需将鸡蛋放在特殊的孵蛋器里,定好时间后就能复出不同肤色的小鸡。此外,还有特殊的机器能够分拣出不同大小的鸡蛋,从而实现高效率的分类。传统模式下,公鸡需要自己到土地中…
  • Garco the Robot introduces Walt, who introduces this exciting episode of "Tomorrowland" which covers life on other planets.We begin with a history of man, who seeks to understand the world they inhabit and begin to notice patterns in the stars. Mankind begins to develop certain beliefs regarding the celestial…
  • An African lion is taken to the city and gets loose. Despite being king of the jungle, he goes unnoticed by most of the busy local folks as he walks the streets, rides the subway,delivers a speech, pops in at a bar, and gets fitted for a suit.
  • Big Like Me is the story of comedian Greg Bergman's obsessive quest to enlarge his penis. After a failed experiment using pills, pumps and other so-called methods, Bergman travels to a surgeon in Tijuana, Mexico where he risks everything (including his marriage) to fulfill what he sees as his destiny. Unlike other mild…
  • 一众往昔的朋克,滑板传奇人物,在如今迈向中年后的新生活展现。片名点题入神,曾经作为摇滚明星的FXXK式生活与态度,而现今的身份又是FATHER,同时还有自己的FAMILY。
  • 恐怖片冒险
  • 프리사이즈
  • 恐怖片历史
    《怪屋》是一部BBC.Ch4拍摄的超自然题材迷你剧,由名编剧马克·加蒂斯操刀制作。 剧情概要: 历史教师Ben(李·恩格里比 饰)在他的花园里发现一个形状怪异的门环,并将其带给博物馆馆长(编剧 马克·加蒂斯 饰)。经馆长鉴定,这是现已不复存在的基普庄园前门上的门环。历史上,基普庄园与巫术有着千丝万缕的联系。而其建造者始终未能育有子嗣…