搜索 Frees

  • 《至尊神探》改编自知名的漫画,这部经典漫画当初是由 Chester Gould 所创作,多年来已经捧红了这一位神探英雄 Dick Tracy ,本片改编自漫画,也延续漫画中紧张刺激的风格,剧情故事则是叙述神探 Dick Tracy 正打算退出江湖,与女友 Tess Trueheart 安定下来,但是偏偏此时邪恶势力又再度猖狂,由 Big Boy Caprice 所率领的集…
  • A cat hates people to the extent that he goes to the moon, where he finds Alice in Wonderland to be a realistic portrayal of 19th century England, comparatively speaking.
  • Clueless country rooster Clem's plan to marry his sweetheart Daisy are ruined when city slicker Charles sweeps Daisy off her (hen's) feet. When Charles takes Daisy to the big city, Clem follows and tries to win her back (while get punched a lot by Charles).
  • 这是Nine Inch Nails最新的一场现场演唱会《Live Beside You in Time》NORTH AMERICAN WINTER TOUR 200601. love is not enough02. you know what you are?03. terrible lie04. the line begins to blur05. march of the pigs06. something i can never have07. clos…
  • 这场在克鲁普星区发生的最血腥最暴力的战争持续了整整4个月,可以说是整个星球的现代史上最血腥的一次。2500年10月,母巢之战突然结束了。那位自封“刀锋女王”的虫族女王莎拉·凯瑞甘从她从前地堡的灰烬中重生了,在攻下塔桑尼斯废墟她变成了虫族毫无争议的主宰。在摆脱她自身的精神束缚和人性道理的约束后,女王变得非常强大。在遭受虫族主宰…
  • From neighborhood ciphers to the most notorious MC battles, "Freestyle: the Art of Rhyme" captures the electrifying energy of improvisational hip-hop--the rarely recorded art form of rhyming spontaneously. Like preachers and jazz solos, freestyles exist only in the moment, a modern-day incarnation of the Afri…
  • 在狂野的美国西部,路边贴着一张悬赏公告,面目狰狞的老狼作恶多端,警方悬赏五千美金要将其捉拿归案。说曹操曹操到,脸上蒙着一块布的老狼驾着他的花斑马绝尘而至,他听到附近有马车的声音,于是将其拦了下来。这是一辆卖冰棍的车,老狼当然连冰棍都不会放过,抢了两根和他的宝马分享。在此之后老狼飞奔来到镇上,他粗暴蛮横的恶名远播,胆小的…