搜索 Freese

  • 菲力普是德国特警队的一员,妮可莱特是空中小姐,两人是相爱至深的恋人,然而因为个别工作的特殊性,始终聚少离多,使得真诚的感情面临重大的考验。   妮可莱特从巴黎飞来柏林与菲力普共度周末,回程时不幸飞机遭受挟持,歹徒命令驾驶员将飞机开回德国,停在一个机场内,以人质性命向政府勒索钻石,菲力普随着特警队前来解救人质,心急如焚的…
  • 这是Nine Inch Nails最新的一场现场演唱会《Live Beside You in Time》NORTH AMERICAN WINTER TOUR 200601. love is not enough02. you know what you are?03. terrible lie04. the line begins to blur05. march of the pigs06. something i can never have07. clos…
  • Big Like Me is the story of comedian Greg Bergman's obsessive quest to enlarge his penis. After a failed experiment using pills, pumps and other so-called methods, Bergman travels to a surgeon in Tijuana, Mexico where he risks everything (including his marriage) to fulfill what he sees as his destiny. Unlike other mild…
  • 一众往昔的朋克,滑板传奇人物,在如今迈向中年后的新生活展现。片名点题入神,曾经作为摇滚明星的FXXK式生活与态度,而现今的身份又是FATHER,同时还有自己的FAMILY。