搜索 Galant

  •   菲利普,一个孤独的校对者,被困在他的公寓里,不敢离开,被一个未知的邪恶势力折磨,在过去的两年里一直囚禁其中
  • The summer comedy hit from Sicily is back! After serving a three-year prison sentence, Rolando Di Caprio tries to get back into the Italian society, but because of the label of ex-convict and the work crisis, he is forced to accept an easy and shady job.
  • 纪录片历史
    阿莫多瓦担任监制之一,艾美奖导演夫妇至西班牙马德里费时7年拍摄,重新省视佛朗哥曾经的历史,将那段「共同遗忘的历史」重新审视。1975年11月20日,独裁政权的佛朗哥终于逝世,西班牙开始推动君主立宪,并将当时被关押政治犯全部特赦,然而在佛朗哥政权时代的人也同时被特赦,西班牙政党也达成了「遗忘协定(Pack of Forgetting)」,将…
  • The biography of Antonio Polo Galante, one of the most active Brazilian film producers of the 1960s to 1980. Responsible for more than 50 titles, "King Mouth" produced long that go bang-bang of the erotic comedies. The documentary features testimonials from Carlos Reichenbach and Miro Reis, among others.
  • 这是一部关于真实边界,也是一部探索温柔与责任、情感与欲望、私人和公众界限的影片。16岁的娜鲁与失明的父亲鲁本住在巴西与乌拉圭的边境小镇里,在祖母死后,她开始学习照顾父亲,两人与其说是父女,关系更象是兄妹相互依存。边界的生活穷极无聊,在哀悼祖母死亡之际,娜鲁除了与父亲相处 ,大多时间也只能和好友艾利莎鬼混,以及迷恋边界另一…
  • Barcelona Sex Project is an experimental independent adult film which takes a close look into the lives of three men and three women, getting to know them intimately and watching their real orgasms. Barcelona Sex Project has been written and directed by Erika Lust, who also produced Five Hot Stories for Her, the runawa…
  • A seven year old boy travels in Mexico with his mother, an addict to pain-killers who is unable to care for him and is hoping to persuade his dead father's family to take him off her hands. Emotionally alienated, the boy wanders around a hotel, taking refuge in his haunted imagination.
  • What if extinct animals weren‘t really extinct? The methods used to declare a species extinct are not as fool proof as people might assume. The search is on for wildlife adventurer and biologist Forrest Galante, as he explores the real sto…
  • 讲述女囚反抗不人道的监狱状况的故事~~