- The lives of seven incompetent Reno sheriff's deputies are detailed in this "Cops" style parody. Among the colorful characters are Lt. Jim Dangle, the short shorts-wearing, flamboyantly gay supervisor; Deputy James Garcia, who makes police brutality an art form; Deputy Trudy Wiegel, the manic depressive, raci…
- ☆不追求經濟成長率,傾力追求「國民幸福總值」!☆喜馬拉雅山下的香格里拉 遺世獨立的寧謐國度☆《聖塞巴斯汀影展》大獲好評☆紐約時報、英國《經紀人》雜誌、英國BBC日本NHK爭相報導☆《商業周刊》第1000期與TVBS聯合製作系列專題,引起廣大迴響☆知名影星-梁朝偉和劉嘉玲特選此地 攜手共度一生《不丹的秘密》影片介紹我們相信每個人都是天生…
- The film's plot centered on "the illegal trade in blood donations against the backdrop poverty and life in shanty-towns". A young man, Ali (Saeed Kangarani), takes his sick father (Esmail Mohammadi) to a hospital in Tehran. When his father is unable to be admitted, they wait outside the hospital and meet Same…