搜索 Ahangarani

  • 小妮子Nazanin 只身出城唸大学,憧憬美好将来,先要面对切身的居住问题,女生宿舍未有位,她在校园附近迅速找到笋盘,怎料二房东Sahar 是个好客女子,不但夜夜笙歌,见妳躲起来不见人更躁底动手打人。社会给她第一个教训是不要只看外表,但她来自乡村心太软,注定续有第二第三个教训等着她。伊朗是礼义之邦(虽然美国总统死不承认),德黑兰是文…
  • Ali, who has quit addiction, returns to his mother house after 3 years to make up for the damage he has done and to introduce his fiancée. The family who have gathered because Ali's nephew is going abroad, show bad reactions because of Ali…
  • 在父亲的葬礼上失落的希林漫无目的地四处游走,这时她忽然发现葬礼上的一位宾客身形相貌与父亲极其相似。尽管受到叔父的反对但好奇的希林着了魔般地想要找到该男子。被逼无奈之下叔父承认该男子是希林父亲的私生子。看着女儿愁眉不展,母亲向希林回忆了往事,并说出了让希林感到意外的真相——希林并不是父亲和她所生,而是早年领养的。事情似乎…
  • On their way back from a wild party, Arineh and Nobahar cause a car accident. A mysterious stranger by the name of Toofan offers to cover the costs. This won’t be the last time they’ll cross his path over the course of the night.Cars form …
  • A young student of Shiraz university joins Captain Soleiman on a maritime journey to China in 11th BC.
  • The poetry of Sufi mystic Rumi was director Aslani’s major influence in creating this complex tale featuring narratives and tableaux sumptuously referencing Persian mythology and history. A young woman stranded on a roadside with her paren…
  • 音乐家大卫、阿米尔和怀有身孕的玛哈拉是班达尔乐队的成员,他们驱车前往德黑兰,参加一场在咖啡馆举办的非官方乐队比赛。途径南部村庄时,公路被洪水淹没,难以前行。尽管苦难重重,班达尔乐队仍然决心前往德黑兰。沿途目睹和参与的一切激发了他们的创作灵感,也由此引发对故土和未来的思考。难得一见的伊朗公路片,在绝美的乡间风景下,开启一…