- As CFO, Alexander Meier fights for the survival of the company he works for. When Hans-Werner Brockmann the new appointed CEO, a hardliner, is appointed, Alexander gets involved in a power struggle that increasingly throws him off track. Before the ruins of his existence, Alexander sees only one possibility left to tak…
- 巴西的军事独裁被推翻之后的三十余年之间,一位老人仍旧在等待他1970年就已失去联系的大儿子-他曾是一名社会活动家。他的二儿子则一直陪在他身边,实际上,自从他婚姻破裂后,他就带着一箱旧唱片以及家庭旧照搬回来跟父亲同住了。但那个没有回来的兄长、儿子就像盘旋在这个家庭之上的幽灵……正因为如此,影片《Avanti Popolo》在主流电影节上受…