搜索 Gaughan

  • Eight of the worst keyboard commandos tirelessly troll the internet year after year, both day and night. A bounty kill-list (put together as a joke) refers to the gang of misfits as 'The Tarantino Eight' crew. These eight keyboard commandos are loosely connected rejects from around the United States and made up of the …
  • 一对活宝,无数谜团,没有问题!貌似劳莱与哈台的英国打鬼拍档深入田野为民除害,魔鬼克星的绝招便是坐在魔衣橱中抚昔追今。本片曾获得2010爱丁堡影展最佳英国片奖,讲述了一对搞笑驱魔搭档的事迹。全片用荒诞的口吻说著“未能事人焉能事鬼”的正题,借黑色幽默昭然揭露驱魔的本意在于面对自身的心魔。被《泰晤士报》影评大赞为‘剧本高明、笑点…