搜索 Geary

  •   When a new teacher arrives at school he finds students that are extremely well behaved and soon uncovers a special class of very young children forming a hive mind, keeping the students and teachers calm and focused with murderous result…
  •   马文是曾经受“蟑螂”引起的“使兹克病毒”感染的小孩幸存者之一,如今已长大成人。随着其住所附近一些人士的失踪,马文越来越开始相信这种变种昆虫又已重返并肆虐人间。为了求生,为了保护家人和所爱的人,马文虽重病缠身无法离家,却要先发制人消灭这种可怕的生物。
  • 恐怖片
    When a new teacher arrives at school he finds students that are extremely well behaved and soon uncovers a special class of very young children forming a hive mind, keeping the students and teachers calm and focused with murderous results.
  • When the hurricane shuts down the ferry, a film team gets stuck in an isolated island hospital, known for a silent psychological war between the inmates and the staff.
  • Amnesty International (Ireland) presents "Stop! You're Killing Me" which features the very best of Irish comedy performed in support of Human Rights. Recorded live at Dublin's Vicar Street Comedy Club in November 2004, the stellar line up of Irish comedians includes acts from Tommy Tiernan (Supertramp), Dylan…
  • 提杰在奔波寻找自己未曾蒙面的儿子。他来到了布鲁姆,想带儿子去旅行并欣赏美得令人窒息的风景。在寻找的过程中,他一直在反思自己曾经的混混时光。他遇到了一些奇特的人,让他认识到生活方式可以是多种多样。在“五条河”的边境小镇,他发现以前一起的混混德克萨斯如今成了一位警察。他后来也找到了儿子布雷特,生活在不经意中慢慢改变……  …
  • Set somewhere in the near future, this black tale tells of nouveau debutante Catherine, who is being initiated into her friends' sordid cafe society world. She must choose from a small group of pre-purchased performers who will entertain the diners for the evening - but the "entertainment" leaves Catherine fi…
  • 形同枯槁的年迈富翁丹那森家里来了三位生性爱闹、善良、可爱的打工肥仔,三人形影不离,总有让人捧腹之举。在三个肥仔的帮助下,丹那森奇迹般的战胜了死神,重新找回了年青的感觉,甚至比年轻人的身体还棒。就在这时,一直觊觎财产的管家劳瑞打算谋害丹那森,于是三肥仔与劳瑞一伙斗智斗勇...该片情节轻松滑稽,三位肥仔精彩夸张的表演让您从头…