搜索 Georgescu

  •   A couple of Italo-American journalists go missing during their work assignment in Romania.
  • 剧情片
    《上帝之国》小哥亚力克·塞克雷亚努(Alec Secareanu)2015年主演的短片。小哥饰演了一名叫George的男友,女友因“油”生惑。在女友细致的盘问下,小哥最终暴露了渣男本面目。
  • 影片分为两个不同的部分。第一部分由米尔恰·韦罗尤执导,描述了二十世纪初罗马尼亚一个寡妇的悲惨生活。第二部分由丹·皮察执导,讲的是一个婚礼上的新娘。米尔恰·韦罗尤(1941年出生)和丹·皮察(1938年出生)是罗马尼亚最具独创性的电影制作人,他们一起制作了两部杰出的电影:《石婚》(1972)和《金魂》(1974)。毫无疑问,两部电影都是罗马尼亚…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 影片讲述了一个典型的罗马尼亚家庭从乡下到城里去领取他们中的大奖。在途中通过高度喜剧化的方式展现了罗马尼亚正经历的经济和社会方面的巨变。然而,这一家人的团结也因为这场原本是一件天大的喜事而遭到严重破坏,再也开心不起来。原来是18岁的女儿赢得了一辆价格不菲的汽车,结果竟然演变成了一场商业广告。一罐果汁,三个标签,让她击败了不…
  • A new type of discourse about documentary filmmaking sprang up, initially from two filmmakers, Alexandru Solomon and Florin Iepan, who, in the early 2000s, had been attached to a European training initiative (Discovery Masterschool), which strove to facilitate access to the international market for documentary professi…
  • In the sloooooowest town in the world, four lucky kids are about to discover that life is better...in the fast lane! Meet Gage, Wyatt, Brandon and Rhett. Kids born to ride. Separately, they are seriously skilled racers, but together they become TEAM HOT WHEELS! When a mysterious black car roars into their town, it crea…
  • A mockumentary about the discovery of a machine capable of photographing dreams, made by a retired sub-engineer named Babai. The old man, an Ada Kaleh island, half Turk – half Romanian native, dreams that the island’s Mufti draws him, in sand, near the Danube, a treasure map; however, every time, the dreams ends with t…
  • 法国新锐导演《碧海蓝天》让-马克·巴尔执导的第五部作品当你爱上一个人后,却发现了他人性的阴暗面,你会怎么办?逃避?举报?还是帮助矫正?本片讲述的就是一个变态连环杀手的爱情故事。从怀疑,到认识,再到亲眼目睹,女主人公是否还能坚持对他所爱?而男主人公又将做出怎样的举动?影片讲述了一名叫克里斯的男子,他是个双性恋,无意中邂逅了…