搜索 Golbahari

  • 美少女米娜住在阿富汗的偏远村庄,她遵照地方习俗,与未婚夫很少往来。但认识了来自加拿大的电影团队之后,她对世界改观了。
  • 一群阿富汗妇女正在为工作权利而上街游行,塔利班很快赶到,用水枪冲散人流,女孩奥萨玛(Marina Golbahari 饰)和母亲湿漉漉的回到家里。奥萨玛一家的男丁全部在战争中失去,母亲只能靠私人行医贴补家用,而塔利班是不允许女性工作的,为解决生计,奥萨玛被家人乔装成男孩,送到父亲老战友的小店内工作,但是塔利班很快将奥萨玛送入伊斯兰学校…
  • Education is a human right that years of war in Afghanistan have reduced to a privilege. Scores of poverty stricken youth have no understanding of what it means to learn something beyond the basic street hustling skills needed for begging, selling, or pickpocketing. This is the result of the decade-long fighting that h…