- 仁義なき極道を敵に回した5人の男女が繰り広げる、命を賭した戦いを活写するバイオレンス・アクション第2弾。原作は、仁侠劇画界の頂点に立つ村上和彦。監督は、佐々木正人。自ら起こした抗争に決着をつけるため、鬼王会若頭・影浦(原田大二郎)の命を狙う吉岡組組員・立花(的場浩司)。影浦の放った銃弾によって、妹・麗華(上原さくら)を失…
- In order to allow another servant to go home to be with her children, Nastya agrees to serve in her place, as a maid in the household in which Nastya's grandfather is a porter. Soon afterwards, the woman who owns the house goes on a trip, leaving her son Pavel at home. Pavel is engaged to Ellen, but Ellen flirts openly…