搜索 Goodrich

  •   一群大学生在四月一日愚人节结伴到一无人荒岛的巨宅中度周末,结果碰上血腥的愚人节恶作剧。他们在互相玩笑之余却逐一被杀,而邀请他们前来的富家女莫菲圣琼却始终未露面,这到底是什么回事?影片明显地采用了艾嘉莎克莉丝蒂的侦探名著《十个小印第安人》的故事模式,让剧中人一个一个被杀
  • 茱蒂丝(贝蒂·戴维斯BetteDavis饰)是混迹在上流社交圈里的交际花,一次偶然中,她发现自己的脑袋里长了一个肿瘤,命不久矣。悲观而又倔强的茱蒂丝决定对自己所剩无多的人生放任自流,开始了夜夜笙...
  • 喜剧片
    泰莉(乔斯·海瑟 Joyce Hyser 饰)是一位受人喜爱的18岁女孩,充满活力。她梦想成为一名新闻记者,在一次新闻采访竞赛中,她写了一篇名为《一个自认为男性运动员的女人》的报道,但却遭到评审的退回。泰莉相信评审退回她的作品是因为她的女性身份遭到偏见对待。于是,她下定决心剪短头发,换上男装,改变声音,以男生身份进入一所男子学校就读…
  • Two men working at a cemetery have to face the horde of zombies that rise out of the ground every night.
  • Four crew members of a military spacecraft are faced with an unfathomable dilemma after their ship is attacked, leaving them only enough air for two of them to return to base alive. In a fight for survival, each crew member must decide whether they are to accept their fate or betray their friends, as tensions rise and …
  • Life on Earth is an eternal mystery, and some say it's beyond our grasp. While some are content to live an ordinary life, others cannot accept the notion of death and will do anything to prevent their demise. Retired Lt. Arland Frye is a man who has had terrifying experiences and seen life changing horrors that led him…
  • 星际迷航新旅程
    《星际旅行:第二辑》是真正的爱好者制作,他们借用了官方的一些原始设定,购买了大量《星际旅行:原初系列》的服装、道具加以使用,该剧由资深 Trekkies(就是星际旅行迷的专用名字啦^^)詹姆斯·考利和杰克·马歇尔从2003年4月开始筹备,通过网络传播,讲述了《原初系列》中进取号星舰和它的船员们执行的第二个五年计划,第一集于2004年1…
  • A card cheat is threatened with exposure into joining a criminal enterprise that Holmes believes is controlled by Professor Moriarty.
  • 关于法拉利的纪录片。聚焦50年代在刀刃上争分夺秒的F1时代,真实记录了恩佐领导下的法拉利车队内部故事,法拉利车迷冬歇期不可多得的福利。