搜索 Govorukhin

  • 故事发生在1948年左右。俄国一个偏远小镇上的英语老师娜兹达和她并不相爱的军官丈夫生活在一起。娜兹达在丈夫举办的家宴上邂逅了前同事、物理老师多米瑞,他是退伍军人,原来教物理,现在辞职搞发明,寄居村民家,甚至没有粮食定量卡。他醉心于发明一种铸造设备,可以浇铸更大、更长的管子;而娜兹达的丈夫拥护的是院士的方案,这一方案拟参评斯…
  • 碰头地点不变
    One of the most popular TV miniseries in its home country, The Meeting Place Can't Be Changed is a police procedural set in post-World War II Moscow. Vladimir Sharapov (Vladimir Konkin), recently discharged from the Red Army, joins the homicide bureau of the local police. Sharapov, who tends to do everything by the boo…
  • Kira Muratova made this film under the pseudonym of Ivan Sidorov in 1983, but the official release came in 1988. Taken from the novel by Vladimir Korolenko, this somber drama tells of a judge who is devastated after the death of his wife and is neglectful of his children. His son befriends the children of a street begg…
  • 薛德里和母亲一起住在纽约一条僻静的小街上,过着平静安宁的生活。突然有一天,一名不速之客打破了这平静。薛德里被告知要到遥远的英国去继承一个古老的爵位,而现任伯爵是一个自私而冷酷的人。随着时间的推移,老伯爵冰冷的心被天真可爱的薛德里感化,但更大的危机却又出现在他的面前……
  • Vertical - The Film The question posed is: Why do men risk their lives to climb a mountain they don't need to climb? To test oneself - as in war.To see what psychological strength one has. It is the very interesting question, what will happen to oneself when enough pressure is exerted. This pressure could be social, em…
  • О малоизвестной, длившейся шесть лет войне в Таджикистане, где самое непосредственное участие принимали российские военные соединения. Эта картина не столько о самой войне,…