- An interesting movie about testing of faith and how people react to things when fundamental bits of their faith are questioned. It is about a man at a monestary who turns into a woman and becomes pregnant and how all the other monks react to the change. Beautifully executed and beautifully filmed, I was really impresse…
- CSI的第九季将于十月十日重装上阵。虽说是CSI系列中最晚登场的一个,然而,且不提爱好者们的反映,单就已发行的宣传片来看,Gil grissom和他的小队所带来的紧张刺激也绝不会是排在倒数第一的。在Grissom(William Petersen饰)缓缓道来的画外音中拉开序幕,CSI第九季的首集注定将在本剧的辉煌历史上写下浓墨重彩的一笔。"作为一名C…