搜索 Höger

  • <p>  故事发生在1563年的法国,在新教徒和天主教徒之间,爆发了一场旷日持久的激烈战争。亨利(朱利安·波义塞利尔 Julien Boisselier 饰)身为新教首领,需要抵抗的是强大的皇太后凯瑟琳(桑德拉·惠勒 Sandra Hüller 饰)。为了平息战争,王室决定牺牲公主玛格丽特(阿赫麦勒·德意志 Armelle Deutsch 饰),将她许…
  • 本故事中的小主人公莱娜对即将到来的圣诞节充满了渴望。谁知她发生意外昏迷不醒。这让曾答应莱娜要过个特别的圣诞的妈妈玛丽痛苦不已。后来莱娜终于醒了过来,但她还是错过了圣诞节。玛丽不忍心把事实告诉莱娜。恰巧市长想要开发旅游项目,广泛吸取市民的建议。玛丽也来献策,但是她竟然要求再过次圣诞,遭到了所有人的反对。然而玛丽没有放弃,…
  • The Power of Emotion explains that emotion isn't to be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any art form. The film looks at young couples who run into difficulties as they try to translate their experiences of love into clear decision-making. A woman who has shot her husband provides …
  • In the first century of the third millennium, a galactic civil war is raging between governments, industrial giants and space pirates. Run for your lives! The Big Mess features space captain Douglas, the pirate couple sterr, a space admiral and countless other characters trying to eke out a living in the cosmos. But wh…
  • The story of Gabi Teichert (played by Hannelore Hoger) who had already begun to dig around in search of the roots of German history in Germany in Autumn. In daily school life, at the party convention of the Social Democrats (SPD), on the Day of Penance and during Advent: She remains stalwart on her quest for a republic…
  • 纪录片恐怖
    1977年,一个商人被绑架后又被谋杀,杀他的是左翼的称为RAF的恐怖分子Armee Fraktion(红色帮派),他们绑架商人是为了试图以交换他们被抓的领导人。当诱拐的努力和一次劫持飞机相继努力失败后,RAF的3位非常杰出的领导人,安德烈亚斯巴德,古德兰·恩斯林和吉恩·卡尔泪谱,全部在监狱自杀。这3人实际上是被政府授命谋杀的。
  • This historical film by Hynek Bočan touches upon the indecisiveness of the Czech nation, ready to bend the backbone in face of foreign rule. Situating the story at the close of the Thirty Year War enabled the depiction of the misery of the…
  • A mini-sequel to German director Alexander Kluge's 1968 Golden Lion winner Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed, The Indomitable Leni Peickert continues the slice-of-life tale of down-on-her-luck Peickert (Hannelore Hoger), who in that earlier film (many will remember) made the mistake of investing in a "socially …