搜索 Hărnuț

  • Three days in the life of two young people with a quite lonesome life. They live together under the same roof, sleep in separate rooms, eat at regular times, following a routine they had transformed into a ritual. Any unexpected change can cause huge cracks in their somehow artificial bubble
  • 灵感来自罗马尼亚作家马克斯·布雷赫的同名自传式小说。故事发生在1937年,20岁出头的男子伊曼纽因患脊椎骨结核而终日待在黑海沿岸的一家疗养院里,全身打上石膏,动弹不得。在这期间,他与另一位病人索兰芝相爱,这里的病人们虽然身体在慢慢枯萎,但思想不肯屈服,他们谈论文学、哲学与历史,努力活出生命的意义。1939年,这本杰作在罗马尼亚出…
  • InkWash
    A story of a young female painter in crisis in Bucharest who accepts a job on a boarding house somewhere in the mountains, hoping that a break might help her clear some stuff out.