- Krystal Parker's life fell apart when she discovered she couldn't have children. Everything she knew was gone, - but Letting Go Is Just The Beginning.
- The story of a boy who sets out to find a Sword of Peace which will stop all war. On returning with the sword the King declares war on the world, whereupon the boy seizes the sword and asks the people whether it will be war or peace. They reply war, so the boy throws the sword back in the ravine where he found it.
- 故事发生于19世纪40年代,阿尔方斯妮(安娜·奈瑞贝科 Anna Netrebko 饰)本是出生在穷乡僻壤的贫穷女孩,注定会过上默默无闻了此一生的生活。然而,上帝却将她指引向了繁华的大都市巴黎。在那里,阿尔方斯妮见识到了上流社会的奢靡生活。随着时间的推移,阿尔方斯妮凭借着自己的美貌和智慧渐渐打入了社交圈,最终成为了人人仰慕的交际花,那些…