搜索 Hansen

  • 1940年4月,纳粹德国军队入侵了丹麦。丹麦政府承诺在丹麦犹太人保持自由的条件下进行和平合作。纳粹主义者同意了。1943年10月,该协议被打破……这是丹麦为挽救丹麦犹太人免于纳粹灭绝而进行的英勇行动的真实和宏伟传奇!
  • ★剧情介绍:瑞典人玛洛是一个事业很成功的女律师,生活严谨而有规律,把所有精力都投入到工作之中。而丹麦人赛门是一个儿童读物的作家,懂生活并做得一手好菜。因为工作的缘故,玛洛来到了丹麦,在机缘巧合之下两人碰到了一起,生出了许多令人啼笑皆非的误会,而最终两人走到了一起。★花絮短评:丹麦2009年喜剧片并入围奥斯卡原创歌曲提名。
  • Karla邀请Katrine同她一起度假,希望她们能成为最好的朋友。但一切似乎都没有按计划进行:Karla遇见了Jonas并坠入爱河,很快把对Katrine的友情抛在脑后。但一桩突发事件的出现迫使她们把所有小矛盾暂时放下,重新联合起来。
  • A teenage film about a young girl's search for the unattainable love of her mother. Louise's mother is just out of prison and in the eye of a teenager she's cool, tough and enchanting. To win her love, Louise follows her lead and enters a world of partying, drugs, fast cash and men. Meanwhile, everyone seems to forget …
  • A man and a woman; a friendly chat about art, anal sex, and alternate realities gets out of control. A man and woman, trapped together in a room, having bizarre sex, playing mind games. But do they really? Everything goes sideways. Did the man rape the woman? Or is she trying to blackmail him? Secret motives, unexpecte…
  • 从事儿童教育研究的伦德教授,禁不住几个人小鬼大的小外甥的怂恿,踏上了去加拿大寻找祖传黄金的旅途。小鬼们瞒着在加拿大的姑姑,带着舅舅终于在一个山洞里找到了曾祖父埋藏的黄金,但同时他们也被当地的强盗盯上了。“Family film ”My Sisters Kids & the Gold Diggers' sends Uncle Erik and the kids on a ne…
  • Shot by the killer himself, Dillon Mason grew tired of being ignored and abandoned because of his horrific skin disease that scared everyone away. Now, Dillon seeks to uncover his rage, this insanity that frees the beast from in himself, seeking revenge, but hellbent on what his change means...how torturing a victim is…
  • Smiley Greevins is a cheeky, mischievous, imaginative little boy who lives in the small town of Murrumbilla in the Australian outback. His father Bill is a poor drover who is often away from home. Much to the exasperation of his overworked wife, Ma Greevins, Bill is also very fond of the drink. Smiley is determined to …