搜索 Hansen

  • Kristin is the daughter of a prominent landowner in medieval Norway. She grows up in total harmony with the ideals of the time: strong family ties, social pride and devout Christianity. She accepts the fact that her father has arranged for her to marry the son of another landowner. Kristin's beauty and purity create vi…
  • 恐怖片惊悚
    克里斯托弗·沃尔兹和威廉·达福将主演西部惊悚片《一元换命》(Dead For A Dollar),这也是沃尔兹在《被解救的姜戈》后首次出演西部片,他将再饰一名赏金猎人。该片将由传奇电影人沃尔特·希尔(《十字街头》、《战士帮》《四十八小时》导演&多部《异形》编剧)执导、编剧,设定在1897年的美国新墨西哥州和墨西哥奇瓦瓦一带,讲述著名的赏金猎人M…
  • 這個故事發生在一個小鎮的年輕情侶身上,是一部哥德式的愛情故事。我們跟著故事中女孩,她在街上漫步的同時也凝視著一個男孩。很快地能發現她被某種東西束縛著。她在家裡的閣樓上侍奉著一個的邪門的東西。她逐漸在迷戀的男孩跟自己的慾望中拉扯。
  • 讲述捷克首任民选总统哈维尔从1968年至1990年间的经历,如何从一名剧作家成长为一名政治家
  • 艺术就一定高档?杜尚话你知尿兜可以是艺术品,名画《蒙娜丽莎》也可以被他加上两撇须,流芳后世。杜尚轻而易举地颠覆造反,重新定义几百年以来的艺术。这位概念艺术之父,挑战传统的审美观,打破艺术的规范和形式,拒绝重复的创作模式,让后世的艺术家毫无包袱,发挥无远弗届的想像力,启发安迪・华荷(Andy Warhol)、约翰・凯吉(John …
  • Elinborg accidentally runs into her friend Marita at the grocery store. The conversation is civil yet slightly awkward, as Elinborg has forgotten Marita's birthday. However, something else is nagging Marita, who decides to corner her friend and ask if Elinborg has blocked her on Facebook?
  • 男人搞地产成功有钱有大屋有漂亮老婆,但工作压力大,与朋友在酒巴夜店散心,遇上酒鬼疯言疯语,二人初则口角继而动武,竟然就犯下弥天大祸,更多关于男人背后不为人知的家庭事才逐页揭开。小成本心理剧情片,在丹麦取得不俗票房成绩,皆因把上流社会和低下阶层两个层面紧扣,悲剧发生,全部都是输家。调子伤感,但主题清晰:过去发生的不快事如…
  • When Josephine finds out she's pregnant, she sleeps with Norge and tells him he's the father. What follows is a wary approach in which questions on responsibility and commitment become increasingly important for the two young people.
  • Ten years have passed since the alien war, and now the line between human and alien is blurred. The film follows two vagrants who were once subjects of a dangerous experiment involving the assimilation of alien and human DNA.