搜索 Hashemi

  • 居住在伊朗南北的两个男孩,一个失去了父亲,一个失去了母亲,两人都想要一个完整的家庭,开始了各自的寻爱之旅。影片通过孩子的视角,观察了伊朗各地的世风人情,借由孩子之口说出了成年人无法言明的道理,在温柔友爱的公路旅行中探索了亲情与爱的真谛,让人笑中带泪。本片导演阿富辛·哈希米既是导演又是演员,曾摘获伊朗曙光旬国际电影节最佳…
  • 剧情片家庭
    影片讲述了周迅饰演的母亲带着女儿开出租,最终在春节和自己的母亲重新团聚的温情故事,让人潸然泪下。   这部影片全片由iPhone 11 Pro拍摄。分别展示了iPhone 11 Pro超广角镜头,扩展的动态范围和丰富的层次、细节,影院级防抖在不同场景下的应用。
  • Death of Yazdgerd, is a poetic and political work exploring the cruel and tragic dynamics of a class-based society. War is raging. King Yazdgerd's body is discovered in a run-down mill in the Iranian desert. Charged with murder, the miller, his wife and his sickly daughter must tell their story to the commanders to esc…
  • Dario Dare is an ex-pro-wrestling manager, now reporting on paranormal activities for the tabloid newspaper "The National Explainer", inadvertently stumbles upon a supernatural plot to assassinate a Vatican cardinal. Dario has his soul stolen by a renegade demon, and must find a way to hell in order to steal …
  • The big-budget debut of Dariush Mehruji, Diamond 33, is a spoof of James Bond spy thrillers.
  • 一个小男孩拿着一只面包棍回家,经过一条小巷时一只四处游荡的小狗拦住了他的去路。小男孩一时不知所措,最终决定掰一块面包给狗吃,小狗十分感激他,陪同他一直到他家门口,接着又在那里等待下一个受害者的到来。
  • A poignant yet understated film which focuses on the everyday hardships of an isolated Iranian community on the border with Afghanistan, Delbaran centres on the story of a 14-year Afghan refugee working in a truck stop in the 'town' which gives its name to the film. The film is unusual in having very little dialogue an…