- 1934: On a train to Stockholm, where he will shortly receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, Luigi Pirandello relives his fascination with the figures in his life who also inspired his art. Eterno Visionario concentrates on one phase of Pirandello’s career in order to show the playwright’s more intimate side, trapped b…
- A group of teenagers is involved in a rape. As offenders, accomplices and victims. The crime seems to have no consequences, but it quickly becomes clear that not everyone feels guilt and shame. Dealing with the dept destroys friendships and hopes. While the mother of the victim piece by piece finds out that her daughte…
- 舊金山南部有個地區,不僅是新產品的發源地,更是全新產業的搖籃:從真空超級高鐵到無線電、從微晶片到個人電腦、行動裝置、應用程式和社群媒體,都是在這裡誕生。這個地方是蘋果、臉書、英特爾和谷歌的家,世界上沒有其他地方能夠與這裡卓越創新的記錄媲美。Discovery頻道全新三集紀錄片系列,透視這迷人地方150年來的歷史,探索矽谷如何又為何…
- When lost footage from the 1920s depicting a corporate land grab in the early days of globalization arrives back in Liberia, it sparks inquiry into how Liberians lost sovereignty over the very land that sustains them.