搜索 Tommi

  • 以真实事件为基础,讲述一个人为生存而奋斗的史诗故事。居希·凯特拉,在美国大萧条期间回到芬兰,美国方面政治动荡日益严重。1930年的一个夏天晚上,民族主义暴徒绑架了他,他被迫走上永恒之路,去了苏联,在那里残酷似乎永无终结,他唯一的梦想是回到他芬兰的家中,但是苏联也并非工人阶级的乐园……
  •   811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joa…
  •   火、水、风、土、和空气,生命五种核心元素曾经注入在一本书--命运之书。黑暗笼罩了大地,需要借助笔和书的力量,但这本书却失踪了,人们以为它永远消失了,但数百年后却又再度出现……
  • 剧情片
    伯尼回来了,孩子们都很高兴。但他们的宿敌温斯顿也一样,他即将绑架这只天才海豚。凯文和霍莉必须在为时已晚之前救出他们那泼辣的朋友。 The kids are thrilled that Bernie has come back. But so has their old enemy Winston, who's about to kidnap the talented dolphin. Kevin and Holl…
  • 芬兰边境上的Korvatunturi山是传说中圣诞老人的故乡,而本片讲述的正是深埋在Korvatunturi四百八十六米以下的关于圣诞的秘密!在一个芬兰的圣诞节前夜,圣诞老人在一次考察“世界上最大的古坟”的考古工作中被挖掘出来。接下来,在发掘地所在地,一系列神秘的事件发生,当地有人被神秘的杀害,孩子们开始从镇上失踪。于是,当地人逐渐明白了关于…
  • 动作片游戏
    结束外事访问的美国空军一号返程途中,突然遭到不明导弹的袭击。包藏祸心的保镖(雷·史蒂文森 Ray Stevenson 饰)安排总统(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)乘坐救生舱逃离,随后则杀害剩下的同僚逃生。救生舱坠落在毗邻雪山的密林中,而且总统幸运地得到了14岁男孩奥斯卡(欧尼·汤米拉 Onni Tommila 饰)的救助。但是奥斯卡…
  • 这部电影是在乔治亚州萨凡纳的一座真正的鬼屋中拍摄的,多年来,这座鬼屋给人带来了令人毛骨悚然的体验。讲述了一个搬到乔治亚州萨凡纳的家庭,以逃避小女儿溺水悲剧的记忆。一旦在他们的新家,母亲开始经历令人毛骨悚然的现象,导致她相信她是被她死去的女儿闹鬼。但一位与这座房子的奴隶制历史有关联的黑人老妇人警告说,房子下面可能住着更黑…
  • 811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joar does not return for a long time, and the family starts to fear he never will. Run…
  • Set in the 70's, a centuries-old cult known as the "Inverts" kidnap four sin bearing individuals against their will to recruit for the holy war against the second coming of Christ. From a homosexual hippie, prostitute druggie, man in drag, and a pedofilic priest...they're all deemed to be choice victims to in…