搜索 Helmore

  • 喜剧片剧情
    警探Ray Pluto正在陷入离婚漩涡,失去妻女的麻烦之中。某天,他 在一家快餐店里遭遇连环凶杀。但是因为背痛,Ray没能阻止惨案的发生。反而是一个小孩用他的枪击毙了凶手。这之后,Ray在同 事和公众眼里变成了一个十足的失败者。在他的搭档的建议下,他 去接受按摩师Ann Beamer的脊椎按摩治疗。没想到,一段美好的爱情渐渐在Ann和Ray之间渐…
  • Colin Brackner is an elderly actor who invites a playwright Adam Longsworth and his wife over to dinner. During dinner Colin talks about a long lost love. The tale deeply effects both Adam and his wife practically reducing them to tears. Colin reveals that the tale is a deception. Recognizing the talent needed to pull …
  • At a house party, Lucy Prior allows herself to be hypnotized by Miles Farnham. While under his spell, she claims to be a woman living in 1859 and in the process of describing what she did, picks up a pair of scissors and kills her husband. In looking into the case, the coroner determines that in 1859 a woman did just a…