- In this documentary, director Martin Witz tells the story of the friendship and collaboration between Michael Jary and the homosexual songwriter Bruno Balz. In the roaring twenties and then during the Nazi era, the two produced many hits for escapist musicals, especially for superstar Zarah Leander. Using subversive ov…
- 1998年,柏林歌剧院芭蕾舞团首次演出编舞大师Patrice Bart重新编排的柴科夫斯基经典芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》,由巴伦伯伊姆指挥。Bart的新版依然忠实于佩基帕与伊凡诺夫的原版,但增添了不少新元素,譬如大大加强了王后与王子母子矛盾的线索,王后和魔鬼联手阻挠王子与奥杰塔的结合,王子的殉情,同时也是王后痛失爱子的悲剧。