搜索 Highet

  • Emily has been Foxed! This stop-motion tale is about fighting for what's right. Director James Stewart crafts a cautionary adventure about growing up in an environment of parental control, how children are often misunderstood, and what their indomitable spirits can achieve. When Emily is kidnapped by foxes and forced t…
  • 18岁的高中留级生克莱尔性格叛逆,终日混迹于成人世界,但与少年亨利的重逢再次将她拉回了自己已然隔膜的少年生活。站在两个世界之间,她努力寻找着属于自己的位置。本片由加拿大人气新星塔提阿娜·玛斯拉尼(《与电影明星一起成长》)主演,是知名影视剧编剧凯特·麦尔斯·梅尔维尔的大银幕处女作。影片摒弃同类青少年电影的浪漫叙事,转而以近…