搜索 Hiroe

  • 剧情片青春
    「一隻烏龜從天而降砸傷了路人,不知是意外還是惡作劇,警方正在追查這隻肇事逃逸的烏龜…」故事從烏龜開始,加上兔子,還有狗狗來亂入?顛覆你所知道的伊索寓言! 龜田美羽(龜),內向的女大學生,和家人感情很好,唯一的朋友卻是隻烏龜。 兔草早織(兔),超人氣的星二代,出生「明星家族」,卻天生一副戀愛體質。 戌井小柚(犬),身手不凡…
  • One year after the unresolved murder of his wife, Shinji receives a mysterious message putting him on track of the assassin. He follows his revenge instinct and disappears into the darkness of Tokyo where he meets a young woman on the lam. During that night, they come across yakuza and lost souls, and their lives chang…
  • Duan, who is a nurse, finds out that her own sister has been having an affair with her husband. Duan kills her sister in order to get her husband back for herself. However, her sister rises from the dead as a zombie looking for vengeance.
  • 日本少女朋子(Hiroe Takei 饰)怀着成为潜水员的梦想来到伦敦,但是人生地不熟加上语言不通,使朋子的英国之旅遇到许多困难。她好不容易找到一间古旧的公寓,冰冷湿滑的伦敦街道还一时无法适应,朋子只得在房间内穿上泳衣,听着英语学习磁带打法无聊的时光。次日,她走出公寓,来到潜水员训练馆,惊慌失措间她无意中滑到,头部撞倒泳池边缘,人…