- An examination of Alfred Hitchcock's mysterious early life and influences on the streets of East London.
- A spoilt rich woman goes to prison and obviously wants to get out.She hatches an escape plan, bribing the prison mortician, whose responsibilities include carting out the corpses of dead prisoners.The plan is that she will climb into the coffin with the next dead prisoner and be buried alive, later the mortician will c…
- Mr. Brenner makes a down payment on a house. The house's owners, Cissie and Johanna Enright say that they don't want to sell. He threatens them with a lawsuit, but is poisoned. He collapses and the sisters discuss what they should do. Joanna wants to finish him off more poison while Cissie prefers a gun. Brenner revive…
- This documentary is a fascinating look at the cinematic genius of Alfred Hitchcock. Briefly covering much of his early British works, the film primarily focuses on his American classics, such as "Shadow of a Doubt", "Notorious", "Rear Window", "Vertigo", "Psycho" and &q…
- 希区柯克一生导演监制了59部电影,300多部电视系列剧,绝大多数以人的紧张、焦虑、窥探、恐惧等为叙事主题,设置悬念,故事情节惊险曲折,引人入胜,令人拍案叫绝。虽然他的影片并不全都是恐怖电影,其中也没有我们现在所崇尚的各种特技和特效,但是他的影片极具悬念,发人深思。本片是希区柯克亲自挑选的四部悬念短片《毒药》,《完美的犯罪》…