- How long can a witness to another witness being gunned down survive in the Roaring 20s U.S. ? The trigger-men are prized customers of eyewitness no. 2, timid gunsmith Cyril T. Jones who withstands 3 bullets from his clients. Jonesy stalls while hospitalized, pretending he can't talk, whenever the law tries to interroga…
- 78組鏡位,52次剪接,正值顛峰的希區考克花了七天時間,完成《驚魂記》中最懾人心魄的三分鐘浴室謀殺戲,至今仍為全世界懸疑發燒友們「驚驚」樂道。 殭屍解密奇作《活人生吃全都錄》鬼才導演亞利山德奧菲利浦考究魂再起,請來奇幻名導吉勒摩戴托羅、《恐怖旅社》導演艾利羅斯、《魔戒》男主角伊萊亞伍德,以及許多好萊塢當今一線技術專才和資深…