- 威克里夫是约翰胡司与路德的思想前驱,早在马丁路德发动改教之前的14世纪,威克里夫就在牛津大学发起了针对天主教会腐败的改革呼声。他是当时整个英国最博学的人,也是《圣经》研究的权威,他首先发起将《圣经》译成英文,以使平民百姓都可以阅读。他抨击天主教的奢华腐败以及对人民的愚弄盘剥。威克里夫主张圣经的权威高于教会,信徒应服从基督…
- When a eight-year old girl is kidnapped, her mother recruits her ex-husband, a tough-as-nails cop, and her former lover, a martial arts teacher. The two men hate each other because while the cop and the lady were married, she slept with the kickboxer. Now, the two men, despite their hatred for each other, must team up …
- One of a series of short Bolshevik propaganda fiction films, Comrade Abram focuses on Abram Hersh, a young Jewish pogrom survivor who became a factory worker and organizer in Moscow and eventually rose to leadership in the Red Army. This is short film emphasizes Hersh's suffering and heroism as both worker and Jew, and…
- Shot in pieces by the White Russian cinema community during their emigration to France, L'Angoissante Aventure is afascinating hybrid, reflecting the multifaceted talents of the first generations of Russian filmmakers and the path not taken by early Soviet cinema. Director Yakov Protazanov had already made a name for h…